Day: January 25, 2023

Top 3 applications of engineering in our daily life

Safety engineering

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This is the study of the causes and preventions against accidental and injury damage which could cause mild to severe consequences upon a human’s life. However, this study of safety engineering has not yet developed into a unified discipline. Its practitioners could appear in wide and various position tiles, job descriptions, and responsibilities within industries or loss-prevention activities of companies such as those within the insurance sector. Today’s automation in safety technologies is derived partially from these people. An example could be the VESDA system Malaysia companies are using to keep both human and object properties safe from fire hazards. Although the safety engineer has never been unified under one roof, there are still some general sectors that are identified as their major functions carried out by professionals in safety engineer such as: 

  • Identification and appraisal of accident-producing conditions as well as practices and evaluating the severity of the accident. 
  • Developing accident and loss-control methods, procedures, and programs used for testing. 
  • Mediate comprehensive communication of accident and loss-control information to directly involved personnel. 
  • Measuring and evaluating the accident and loss-control systems at the same time, assessing the modifications that are required to obtain optimum outcomes. 

Recently, the market has arrived with a high demand for safety engineering consisting of the increasing emphasis on prevention with potential hazards anticipation. As well as the changing in legal concepts regarding product liability and negligent design or manufacturing processes. 

Humanitarian engineering 

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As the application of engineering to improving the overall well-being of marginalised groups and disadvantaged communities to develop the world. Humanitarian engineering’s main focuses are programs that are aligned with the criteria of being affordable, sustainable, and based on local resources. Making these programs are mostly community-driven or/and cross-disciplinary. The majority of today’s humanitarian engineering projects lay eyes on looking for simple solutions to basic needs like clean water, sanitation, heat, power…

Some of the typical leading examples are bladeless wind turbines in collecting more power from every direction; P&G water purifier powder in cleaning the local water sources into drinkable water; and any development regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Chemical engineering

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Chemical engineering is the advancement of processes and operations of plants in which the material sources go through changes in their physical and/or chemical state. These changes and processes are applicable throughout most industries that have their foundations built on the principles of chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Such as mechanical fluids, cleaning products, and computer chips.

Therefore, the sector’s efficiency and practicality are governed by the law of physical chemistry and physics within chemical engineering operations.

Deriving from thermodynamic considerations are energy changes that are considered particularly important with Mathematics serving as a basic foundation in optimisation and modelling. Arranging materials, facilities, and energy in order to generate a productive and economical operation as long as it is possible is the main goal. Additionally, modelling of the material physical and/or chemical forms is the construction of theoretical mathematical precursors of complex systems which are normally achieved with the support of computers.…

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