Month: October 2022

The Benefits of Copper Pipes

Copper is actually a metal that exists as a mineral in rocks and soil. It’s also a good element that is needed in the body. Copper fittings Malaysia along with its pipes have been a must-have thing while looking for houses. This is because copper has proven to be durable. Many old houses incorporate steel plumbing into their pipe system and while this was a ‘thing’, it’s proven to be bad and vulnerable. 

In time, steel is exposed to internal corrosion, and rusting, and this results in pipe ruptures. As a result, there will be expensive water damage to the structure of the house along with everything in it. With that in mind, copper pipes have been the characteristic many looks for in a house. 

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Whenever a housing lack the right plumbing, many real estates or home inspection experts recommend buyers replace the steel pipes with copper pipes. There will be less risk of water damage and also pipe rupture. With that in mind, here are a few benefits of a copper pipe. 

Though costly, copper is the best pipe choice in houses. Copper is much more durable with a reputation of being the only pipe that can provide a 50-year guarantee. Newer pipes such as synthetic haven’t been used long enough to beat this record. Furthermore, copper doesn’t contain toxins as well. The toxin in pipes can make its way into the water and give health concerns to residents. Another benefit is that copper plumbing can be recycled once a house is destroyed for specific reasons in the future.

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It is also important to note that copper pipes can be safe for drinking water as well. It is natural to have low levels of copper in drinking water.  

There are also no known health concerns remove copper pipes from homes. However, when it is damaged or deteriorated, it is recommended that you change it. High levels of copper in a body can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and gastric. When an individual is exposed to copper for too long, there’s a high risk that the individual may get liver damage as well.  

If you’re curious whether your house has copper pipes or steel pipes, there are things to observe. Houses that usually have copper pipes have thin walls which signify their small size compared to steel pipes, the color is able to change from orange-red-deep brown due to oxidation, high heat tolerance, and great durability as well. …

Create websites with a beautiful web design!

All of today’s conveniences are at our fingertips, thanks to the development of internet technology. By searching for the products on the website, we may learn everything there is to know about them, including where the stores are located, and the ingredients used to manufacture them. With the aid of modern technology, business owners may advertise to a huge audience online, such as through their company’s social media profiles, without having to interact with them directly. The majority of business owners also have a website where they list all of their information about their company, its products, and services. If you don’t already have a website, seek assistance from Republic Malaysia as Republic Malaysia collaborates in website design. Content is a website’s most crucial component. Your website is little more than an advertisement without content, making it ineffective for online marketing.

Websites are superior to social media? 

      Yes, because a reliable website helps to build trust. This is mentioned because promoting your small business is made easier by the fact that everyone can do it for free on social media, but customers are also likely to be sceptical of any claims they may meet. In social networks, scams and dubious businesses that take your money and vanish are frequent.

Why is web design important? 

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       Web design is crucial since it has an impact on how your audience views your brand. The first impression you provide them will determine whether they stay on your website to learn more about your company or whether they click on one of your competitors’ pages instead. Maintaining leads on your page is made easier by good web design. 

It creates the opening impression.

Your website gives your viewers their first impression of your company when they come. They will quickly appraise your company. You want to give your viewers a good first impression within these opening seconds. If your website is antiquated or unappealing, viewers will have an unfavourable first impression of your company. Their lack of interest in your website prevents them from visiting it. Because they will visit a competitor’s page instead of yours, you will lose out on leads. Consequently, a decent site design aids in retaining leads on your page.

It increases audience trust.

To keep visitors on your website, it’s critical to develop trust with them. You increase your company’s chances of capturing leads by increasing the length of time visitors stay on your website.

It establishes consistency.

In order for your audience to choose you when they’re ready to convert, you want them to become familiar with your brand. Online web designs are crucial since they provide uniformity throughout your page. Every page of your website must use the same fonts, styles, and layouts. Your site will appear amateurish if each page has a different design.

The components of good web design

  • Solid Navigation
  • Responsive Design
  • Style Guide
  • Purposeful Visuals
  • Good Copy
  • Call-to-action (CTA) buttons
  • Page Speed


In conclusion, web design is crucial for us to understand if we have a business since it will help our products attract clients with a stunning and distinctive web design that will serve as the major draw for them to visit our website. …

Left Brain or Right Brain

Have you ever been asked whether you think with your left brain or right brain? Have you ever been declared as one or the other based on certain traits about yourself? If no one has bothered to explain the meaning to you, it must be terribly confusing to suddenly be called left brained and told to enroll in a medical and health sciences program in Malaysia. You must be wondering how sides of the brain and career paths are linked. 

Let’s break down what people mean when they say left brain thinker or right brain thinker. We’ll also take a look at what’s fact and what’s not.

Left Brain

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People who dominantly think with their left brain are said to be more analytical. This means that they are more logical and clear cut when ruminating and making decisions. Think Hermione from Harry Potter and her encyclopedic memory of facts and figures. People with strong left brain thinking tend to be good at mathematics and science subjects as they see the world clearly and are good at reasoning.

Right Brain

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Inversely, right-brained thinkers are thought to be more creative and intuitive. They are said to be artistic and have a flair for imaginative and emotional pursuits. Think arts and crafts, drama and history. People with dominant right brain thinking are believed to be great artists, writers or even psychologists are they are thought to be very empathetic and sensitive to other’s emotions.

Is The Left Brain And Right Brain Theory True?

It’s important to note that this side of the brain theory is just that; a theory. It is not actually proven with real scientific research. This theory’s notion that left-brain or right-brain dominance controls different types of thinking is untrue. 

Roger W. Sperry, an American neuropsychologist, is the originator of this theory. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1981. He came up with this theory after studying patients who had their corpus callosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) surgically severed. This was done through lobotomy in order to treat refractory epilepsy back in the old days.

Since these patients had problems remembering certain words that had to be processed by the left side of the brain, he concluded that language was controlled by that part of the brain. However, recent research has proven that the brain works at its best when both sides are engaged. Even though technically each side of the brain does process certain things that the other part does not, the brain isn’t nearly as lateralized as Roger W. Sperry would have us believe. 

Final Thoughts

It may be fun to figure out whether you’re a left brain thinker or a right brain thinker, but remember that it’s just for fun. In truth, all humans think with both parts of the brain at all times. Just because you tend to be artistic does not mean that you think dominantly with your right brain. Similarly, just because you’re interested in becoming a healthcare practitioner by learning medical and health sciences program in malaysia, does not mean you’re a left brain thinker.

Humans are far more complex than that!…

Foundation Studies in Malaysia

18 years old Malaysians will be busting out their brain deciding where to further their studies and what course should they take. Well, if you have ambition and have planned out your next steps then you might don’t get the pain. This article aims to help all students that are still clueless out there. More or less, we hope that this can be a guidance for you. 

Generally, the shortest amount of pre-degree programmes is by taking a foundation programme. There are a few different foundation programmes offered in Malaysia. You can study medicine or sciences, English, engineering etc. 

Study Medicine or Sciences

Those who aspire to become a pharmacist or physicist or any related occupation should take a foundation programme in medicine. For students to enrol in this course, the curriculum emphasises fundamental theory and contemporary concepts in the medicine-related field, professional behaviour and ethics, effective use of ICT, use of quantitative methodologies, and awareness of market relevance. To give students a targeted path toward their undergraduate degree in medicine and health sciences, courses linked to the medical sciences are given.

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Study English

Foundations Programmes in English differ depending on the university that offered this programme. Some universities offered Art English as a pre-degree programme towards Bachelor of English Literature courses. While some universities offered Teaching English as Second Language (TESL) as a pre-degree programme towards a Bachelor of Education course. If you love books and great literature, Art English is definitely for you! You will be able to study the basics of writing great text and learn some history of the best literature writers of all time. Future teachers out there, the TESL foundation is for you! Learn the basics of becoming a teacher from the simplest building a sentence and grammar to providing the best teaching material. 

Study Engineering

Build a foundational understanding of the physical sciences, technical engineering knowledge, and language abilities for your degree in engineering. Students who enrolled in this programme are exposed to engineering-related topics like mechanics, electronics, and material science, allowing them to select the particular engineering career they want to pursue after graduation. You will spend a lot of time working in the lab as an engineering student, taking part in tutorials, doing written assignments, and going to lectures. Furthermore, some universities have a subject that will combine both foundation and degree students in one class. Here, you will be able to interact with your seniors and receive tips and advice from them. 

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Do not feel overwhelmed if you still cannot decide what you want to study for your pre-degree programme. There is still a lot of time and choices that you can explore and discover by yourselves. The most important is to further your studies in the field that most intrigues you so you will have fun learning them. No matter what, your decision is important and matters. Make the decision and choice on your own instead of following your friends around. Think about your future. We wish you all the best and good luck!…

The Types of Factory Jobs

No matter which factories, such as a factory automation system or a food manufacturer factory, there are always jobs open for people with the right qualification. Two of the most common factory jobs you’ve heard of are probably assemblers or general laborers. These workers are in charge of assembling machinery or other items that are manufactured in the factory. Additionally, some would be responsible for packaging finished items. They might pay less than other jobs in the factory, however, with experience, employees can go further. Other jobs in the factory include machinists, janitors, handlers, packers, and many more.

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  1. Handlers and Packers

These employees take items that are done by assemblers and pack them in boxes or in any suitable containers so that they may be transported. One of the responsibilities of the packer is to make sure that the items are not damaged in any way during transport. Apart from that, they may have to pack several boxes of the items into a collection area so that they may be moved to trucks or other forms of transport. It’s beneficial if a handler knows how to perform their tasks using different types of packing machinery in the factory. 

  1. Maintenance

The employees who handle maintenance have to conduct tasks such as installing, repairing, and maintaining machinery in the factory. The maintenance department must have employees that are certified with special training to work on certain machinery. Hence, the pay for this position might be higher. However, there are risks in this job because the workers are always facing heavy machinery and must know the safety risks to avoid injuries when doing their tasks. 

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  1. Machinists

In this position, machinists operate machinery in the factory. Just like the maintenance department, the employees of this position must have certified qualifications to perform their tasks. Highly specialized machinery is present in factories, hence, it is the machinist’s job to operate the machines efficiently and safely. Apart from that, they also must have the ability to recognize if a machine isn’t functioning properly. 

  1. Supervisors

Supervisors generally facilitate the daily operations in the factory. Sometimes, they might have to handle hiring candidates who are certified for whichever position is suitable in the factory. They also have to fire employees who are negligent and inefficient in performing their tasks. In addition, supervisors handle multiple tasks on a daily, from overseeing employees, to payroll, to employee complaints. For example, if a machine isn’t functioning properly, then it is the supervisor’s job to organize the repair of the machine.…

All You Need To Know About Lab Fume Hoods

With the increasing research studies in the sciences field, more and more laboratories are needed. Whether it is for a company or a university, researching in a safe environment is the top priority. 

Involving yourself with chemical substances could endanger your health and the people around you. To prevent chemical infection, a lab fume hoods is a needed appliance in your laboratory. 

What is Lab Fume Hoods? 

A lab fume hoods is the most common exhaust ventilation equipment used in a research laboratory. A well-installed fume hoods provides major protection for the user. A lab fume hoods is mainly to prevent inhalation of a hazardous substance. 

The main function of a lab fume hoods is to block the hazardous substance to contaminate the whole laboratory. The substance will be exhausted out of the lab through the air duct connected to the hoods. This is proven to be the most needed appliance in a laboratory. 

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Which Substance Need Lab Fume Hoods?

Generally, all open-handling chemical substances are recommended to use with a lab fume hoods. For more determination, if the substance needs a lab fume hoods, the user may check on Safety Data Sheet that comes in the packaging. 

“Do not breathe dust, fumes or vapours” or “Toxic inhalation” are some of the indicators that the substance needs a lab fume hoods. 

Lab Fume Hoods VS. Biosafety Cabinet

  • While the lab fume hoods is used for hazardous chemical substances, the biosafety cabinet is widely used in handling infectious biological agents. 
  • Lab fume hoods only protects the user from hazardous infection while the biosafety cabinet protects the user, the material and the surrounding of the material itself. 
  • The biosafety cabinet does not possess an air duct as it would not exhaust contaminated air into the atmosphere like the lab fume hoods.
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Lab Fume Hoods Supplier Malaysia

MyLab+ is one of the most significant lab furnishing suppliers that provide various types of lab equipment. Their services cover industrial, school, university, research and hospital sector laboratories. With more than 15 years of experience, MyLab+ is a trustworthy company that can help customer to set up their laboratories. 

The company is packed with people with various backgrounds such as engineers, architects, construction designers and even scientists themselves. The team know best what your laboratory needs. So do not hesitate to contact them!

MyLab+ are determined to give the best to their customer. Hence, there are many types of lab fume hoods designs customers can choose from. Their lab fume hoods is not limited only to one design and size. You can take your time and choose which that suitable for your lab.

While you buying a lab fume hoods at MyLab+, do know that they also offer a quality laboratory fit-out for their customers. You might need it to improve your laboratory. In addition, laboratory engineering is also provided by them. Your laboratory might be old and not safe as before, so it is a good choice to check your lab and give it a makeover. 

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